
Driver Fatigue Management

Driving while tired

Driving for extended periods increases the risk of fatigue-related incidents – it's essential to know the signs and understand how the Turvy Driver app helps you manage fatigue.

Common signs of fatigue

How fatigue affects your driving

Fatigue increases your chance of having an accident. It affects your driving by causing the following:

Fatigue and other work and activities

When driving or delivering using the Turvy app, it's essential to assess your level of fatigue before logging on. Think about how long you may have been awake and whether you've had enough sleep. Remember, driver-partners are legally obligated to manage their fatigue while driving on the app.

Managing fatigue

Our Community Guidelines state that sleep is the only accurate preventative against fatigue risk.
Here are some tips to help you manage fatigue:

Fatigue Management Policy

To help safeguard you and your passengers' safety, Turvy's Community Guidelines say that you should take a break if you're driving and feel tired. Additionally, state transit authorities in Australia now outline driver-partners' responsibilities to manage risks regarding health and safety (such as fatigue).

To help you comply with your safety obligations, the Turvy app informs you of how many hours you've spent online. The Fatigue Management feature will take you offline for eight consecutive hours if you have been online for 13 cumulative hours without a straight 8-hour break.
Remember, driver-partners are legally obligated to ensure they do not drive while fatigued.

Frequently asked questions

Why does the Turvy app take me offline for an 8-hour break?

Driving while fatigued poses a severe safety risk to you, your riders, and all road users. Driver-partners also have a legal obligation to manage their fatigue effectively. You should find our Fatigue Management Policy helpful to help you comply with these obligations.

What counts toward 13 hours?

The entire time you go online and offline will be counted as time towards the Fatigue Management Policy. Time counted will include:

When will the 13 hours of online time reset?

To reset your 13 hours of cumulative online time, you will need to take an uninterrupted break by going offline for 8 hours. Any break shorter than this will not contribute toward resetting your counter.

How will I know when I reach 13 hours?

You can monitor the time you have been online in your Turvy Driver app in your Trip Planner by tapping 'See driving time'. This will tell you the total time you have been online for. You will be notified when you are approaching 13 hours of online time at 2 hours, 1 hour, and half an hour before the app takes you offline for an 8-hour break. If you are on-trip when you hit your 13th hour of being online, you can complete your trip before being taken offline for 8 hours.

Will my app reset after 24 hours?

No. If you reach 13 cumulative hours of online time without an uninterrupted 8-hour break, the app will take you offline for 8 hours.

What situations can lead to fatigue?

Staying awake or working for excessive periods can lead to fatigue.

When am I most at risk?

Driving at night is when you are most at risk of tiredness, after lunch and early in the morning.

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